Educating through Innovation

Project Stemulus seeks to ignite a spark in each and every one of our students’ hearts for STEM-related interests. We have a passionate desire to see under-represented youth empowered with a technology skill before graduating high school.

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Who we are.

Meet the minds behind Project Stemulus.


Our Programs

The Project Stemulus curriculum is designed to appeal to youth ages 8 - 18. Our foundational programs will give a solid grasp of introductory syntax in 3 programming languages: SQL, Python, & JavaScript. Once our students are competent in basic language syntax, we will explore intermediate and advanced course offerings with parents. All courses are offered exclusively online and are currently being offered for FREE!


Community Involvement

Education happens within the context of a larger community. Our approach extends beyond the school to help ensure students have the necessary support to do their best learning. We would love to partner with local organizations to offer these courses in an afterschool setting. Please use the contact us page to express interest in partnering with Project Stemulus.


“Education will always be an exchange. I’m grateful to be on the giving end.”

— Dee W., Project Stemulus Executive Director